Dr. Luis Moquillaza González

    Collegiate Member number 28013047

    • Degree in Dentistry from the European University of Madrid 2010-2015.
    • Master’s Degree in Advanced Endodontics 2015-2017 Universidad Europea de Madrid. Winner of the award for best master’s thesis that year.
    • Private practice since 2015 in endodontics and restoration of the endodontic tooth.
    • Private practice in endodontics in Dublin from 2019 to present.
    • Collaborating professor of the Master’s Degree in Endodontics and Restorative Endodontics at the European University Miguel de Cervantes.
    • Continuing education in endodontics and endodontic surgery.
    • Volunteer in the dental care clinic of the NGO ‘Odontología Solidaria in Madrid’ (2013-2015).